Thursday, October 25, 2007


I'm not posting again until a week from today, which I am sure is a huge shock for the 3 readers that I do have left. But, never fear my 3 loyal readers as I have, in a bout of insanity, signed up once again for NaBloMoPo. You remember, the whole challenge from last November to post for the entire month? Ha! It's a joke really, I can't even post three times a month at this rate and my life is so crazy busy right now I barely have time to sit down. Not to mention that I'm sharing the laptop with D as the desktop has died on us and we really can't justify fixing it when there is a room to carpet and paint and rocking chairs and t-shirts to buy. This parenting gig, whoever thought it would come with such responsibilities. But, never fear, I have at least 3 post already in my head that I need to write, one of which includes an award from one of my three readers. So, come back, next Thursday and let's see if I can do this. Until then, I must go and tend to the needs of the cat.

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