Thursday, November 01, 2007

Tricked Out

One thing is for sure, last years Halloween sucked. Okay, maybe that is a strong word, how about it didn't meet any of my expectations. For starters, we had to borrow a neighborhood as we were still in our apartment. And the "friends" we went with sorta went off on their own with their friends and we sorta were left standing there holding the bag, or the pumpkin, whatever.

But this year?

Well, this year Halloween was everything that I imagined it to be when you have a child, and live in a neighborhood, with actual neighbors who know you and not just the people you were with. We went with 2 of our neighbors and we all are friends so that made it even better. The icing on the cake was Camille and the response that I had hoped she would have. She ran up to every door and said her trick or treat and moved on from house to house full of excitement and pronounced hesitation to go back home.

It was great.

It was everything I wanted.

Enough said.

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