Friday, July 28, 2006

Two's Company

Oh my gosh it's 8:45 a.m. and I had every intention of writing this last night and then just waking up bright and early and pressing the publish button. I have failed. Greatly. Instead I sit here desperately trying to make a decision of who, who should I choose and I find myself torn. If I had just sat down and started this last night my morning would have been a little smoother and Camille would not have to be ignored and left on the floor to chew on carpet fuss. But instead I came home last night from a "domestic outing" and flopped myself on the couch to watch my 2 DVR'd episodes of Grey's Anatomy that I must get caught up on because stupid me started watching the show at the end of the season. What person in their right mind starts watching a show a month or two before the season ends? Me, that's the kind of person.

Because I procrastinated and just can't choose one, I choose two. It'll give us a kick start and one of the sites, well, she's new so my whole premise of taking the weekend to get caught up on sites would be silly because her archives are like, 2 months old and if you have a life like me that'll only take you an hour.

Our very first Lunch on Friday blog is brought to you by The Coffee Table. I've gotta give love to someone who nominates themselves. See people? I was serious! I think it's so awesome that she raised her hand and said "Choose me, choose me" so yes, I choose you! Hoosier Girl, as she likes to call herself, is a single Mom of 3 and lives in Kentucky. And she plays Sudoku, I play Sudoku! Oh my gosh, what are the chances?

Now, Hoosier Girl only has 2 months worth of archives, so after your done getting caught up with her, skip on over here but you better hurry. Kristi only has 3 weeks left until she gives birth to her first child which she conceived with her first IVF cycle but after 5 failed IUI's. Now, granted she does have a little more of a following than I do, but I like her site and she's going to have a baaaaaby soon. I love baby's. And she doesn't pimp all the big wigs on her link list so she's winner in my eyes.

So there you have it. Go read, leave comments and let them know they've been the latest contestants on Lunch on Fridays.

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