Monday, November 27, 2006

Wrap it Up

If you read FFG's blog, a lot of this is just going to be a repeat here which in my opinion is a good thing. You know, she could have talked about how horrid her Thanksgiving was and how the family in VA was grating on her nerves. Of course that family in VA would be me and my sisters and I tried very hard to be on our best behavior.

Apparently we did a good job because everyone had a great time. Steph talked about today how blogging, in her opinion, made our getting together not so awkward and I can't agree anymore. Despite not seeing each other for two years or so, and after only meeting one time, we all have still been able to form a strong friendship. Steve and Steph just fit in perfectly and Steph seems more of a sister than a "in-law". The girl can carry her own amongst my Mom, sisters and I, something that does not come easy.

Not only has blogging strengthen a friendship, it also can form new ones. Yes, we felt a little funny, all three of us, getting together to meet what technically were strangers but emotionally felt like a long time friend but we took a chance and did it with our husbands hovering over just in case. It was worth a chance and again, not awkward whatsoever. Shokufeh, I can honestly say, is just kinder and sweeter than her pictures give her credit for. And when she walked into my mom's house, it felt like we were getting together with an old friend, there were no moments of silence. Of course poor Shokufeh was exposed to my "shy" family who took every advantage of getting to know her also. My 89 year old grandmother even joined in, although couldn't quite understand how we all knew each other!

The power of blogging has not just affected the adults but the babies also. I show Camille pictures of Lexi and talk about her a lot, something Steph does also. When the girls saw each other for the first time, it was as if they recognized each other. They both looked at the other smiling and giggling as if they knew something we didn't know.

The trip was ridiculously busy though, not having time for anything or anyone, something I do always regret when visiting VA. There is just never enough time to see everyone and do everything. I had planned on trying to get out and connecting with some old friends and some new friends but we didn't leave my Mom's house except for our Black Friday shopping spree beginning at 5 am and then Saturday for our Thanksgiving visit with my Dad.

And because it was so ridiculously busy, I'm ridiculously exhausted and I've got to get over it because we are now closing a day earlier than expected. A full 24 hours before we had planned. I'm estatic but that won't do any good if I fall asleep while painting so I'm off for bed.

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